'HOIST Fitness RS-1602 Rotary Torso'

01:02 Dec 19, 2022
'The HOIST ROC-IT RS-1602 Rotary Torso allows for a whole new level of core strength by incorporating an unstable base with a five-degree range of lateral motion to each side. This unstable platform creates a greater challenge for user\'s core muscles, providing a more complete workout.   Not quite ready to rock it?  Then use the Rotary Torso\'s patent-pending \"ROC-IT or Lock-It\" switch to lock the base in a stable position.    The RS-1602 Rotary Torso machine features an easy, one-handed adjustment handle for setting the start position at a 40, 60, 80 or 100 degree range of motion in either direction. Its gas-assisted chest support adjustment allow users to easily set the torso support for their body height. And the padded knee rest provides comfort during the entire exercise movement.' 

Tags: torso , rotary , hoist , 012813

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