'The best workout plan for beginners, the overweight, and for those over age 50. No matter how old you are or how heavy you are, you CAN start losing weight! This is a really effective 30 day total body low impact workout, especially if you are over age 50 or are extremely overweight. It focuses on LOW IMPACT exercises and avoids high impact exercises as they can be extremely stressful on your joints and may cause injuries. So no jumping or running to start with. Over the next 30 days we will get your body accustom to working those muscles, help you burn fat, increase your metabolism, and increase lean muscles. Once you\'ve hit the 30 day mark you can start over if you feel you\'re not ready to move on OR .... head over to our advanced 30 day workout plan. ************************************************************************** Welcome to Day 27, THE LAST DAY of the 30 day workout plan for beginners. We\'re going to start off slow with an easy 5 minute warm up and then move on to an easy but effective exercise schedule for today. Total workout time should take no more than 15 minutes SO NO EXCUSES !! DAY 27 OF WEEK 4: 25 each - SQUATS, SIT UPS, BRIDGES, LEG RAISES, CHOPS WITH WEIGHTS AND PLANK CHALLENGE Keep in mind all moves are for beginners and therefore can be done in \"beginner mode\". CONGRATULATIONS - We\'ve finished the 30 day challenge ! You can either repeat this 30 day plan or stay tuned for my second series - month 2 of another 30 day workout plan for beginners. Thank you for participating :-) PLEASE NOTE: 50Friendly Fitness is a new channel and is still in the making as well as our website. THE VIDEO QUALITY IS NOT THAT GOOD and I\'m totally out of my comfort zone in front of the camera. But please hang in there with me and don\'t dwell on my mistakes, things do get better as the days move on. Remember ... THIS IS ALL ABOUT US GETTING IN SHAPE and not the videos. please visit www.50friendly.com for more tips, recipes, and plans'
Tags: Women , woman , fitness , Workout , abs , low impact , home workout , sexy , exercise , weight , lose , Health , nutrition , burn calories , strength , fat , lose weight , fun , Easy , sixpack , squats , living , tone , strength training , fit , beginner , burning , sit ups , female , plank , plank challenge , balance , beginner exercises , beginner home workout , effective , no weights , overweight , obese , fit over 50 , Bridges , leg raises , how to start exercising , exercises for female , fitness for women over age 50 , chops with weights
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