'Cardio Dance Fitness Workout with easy choreography to Thot Shit by Megan thee Stallion. Perfect beginner home workout (no equipment) that just needs you, a little space, and hit the play button. Check out Cierra\'s routine to Thot Shit by Megan thee Stallion Thank you for being here and part of our mom’s group. This is a place to let our hair down, hide in the bathroom, and just get a little break from everyday life and little people saying mom. Find more of this craziness at:
Tags: fitness , Workout , cardio , home workout , exercise , full body workout , cardio workout , at home workout , dance fitness , home workout without equipment , ZUMBA , zumba dance , workout at home , hip hop fitness , full body workout at home , beginner workouts , workout at home for beginners , home exercises , home workout for women , lose weight dancing , exercises for women , cardio dance party , busy moms
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