'How to perform KNEE TUCKS - HOIST Fitness MotionCage Exercise'

00:41 Jan 5, 2023
'Knee tucks are an excellent abdominal exercise for people of all fitness levels. They can be performed facing toward or away from the Motion Cage.  MUSCLE GROUPS TARGETED: - Core, Abdominals, Hips  HOW TO PERFORM KNEE TUCKS: Adjust the dip handles to slightly wider than shoulder width and place clients into the starting dip position. Ensure the elbows are not locked out at any time during the movement.   Begin by having clients raise their knees as high as possible while curling their trunk into a ball. If the torso starts to lean too far past vertical, the form should be corrected. Slowly return the legs and trunk to the staring position for another rep.' 

Tags: how to , gym , workout video , Physical Exercise (Interest) , exercise video , how to video , hoist fitness , motion cage , Dip Station , knee tuck

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