'So the title says it all! This was my first official Vlog and my first time working out at LA Fitness. I loved the atmosphere of the gym and everything they had to offer, especially the hack squat machine and nutrition bar. Shoutout to LA Fitness for letting me record footage in their facility. Hope you guys enjoyed this video and please be sure to smash that like button and subscribe! Much love to everyone watching the videos, gonna keep grinding them out for you guys! Instagram- HawkHarrison'
Tags: how to , tutorial , fitness , Workout , Weight loss , motivation , bodybuilding , leg day , transformation , Physique , 3d , squats , photoshoot , vlogs , 2017 , clean eating , aesthetic , Unboxing , athletics , david laid , intros , olympics , christmas decorations , Track And Field , gym shark , how to get big legs , vlog creations , how to vlog , Vlog Camera , power building , lamelo ball , russel simmons , Tracey Harrison Jr , How to make an intro for , How to make an intro with blender
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