'*READ FULL ARTICLE WITH PHOTOS* https://muscularstrength.com/article/Seven-Things-You-Need-To-Know-Before-Taking-Steroids As the fitness industry continues to explode through social media and YouTube I have noticed a massive shift in the reliability of information that is being produced for people like YOU. Content creators are basically selling their souls for LIKES, SHARES and FOLLOWERS and are talking about physique enhancing drugs like they are no big deal. As a whole, the fitness community is becoming so used to seeing professional athletes on high or low doses of drugs like steroids that people who don’t know anything about them just assume there is no health risk. On one side you have information coming from people on juice or sites selling juice saying that gear is perfectly safe and on the other side you have sensationalist media or magazines saying you are going to die tomorrow. So what is really the truth? With that being said, I have decided that I want to create some articles and approach this subject more realistically to help educate people who are on gear or are thinking about getting on it. But before we begin, I have to start by saying that I am natural, I am never going to juice and I will never promote the use of illegal anything. Also, this article is not meant to judge anyone. I have close friends that are professional bodybuilders that are on gear and are amazing people. It is strictly a PERSONAL decision. In this article, as well as futurearticle, I will cover topics related to steroids and other muscle and physique enhancing drugs in hopes that, whether or not you decide to do them, you at least have ALL the information you need to make this life changing decision understanding the risks and commitment required as opposed to reading comments from bros on juice in forums who offer little to zero guidance. Be sure to let me know in the comment section below if these articles are something you’re interested in and let’s get started! ONCE YOU STOP JUICING, YOU LOSE YOUR GAINS A lot of people think: “Well, I can escape all the side effects if I just do a few cycles and then stop.” Well, I have bad news for you: once you stop the gear, your body gets back to its maximum natural potential. What this means is that the juice will make you bigger but once you stop, you will get back to whatever your physique would be at its biggest naturally. So if you are like me, for example, who has been lifting for a few years and you are at your max potential or close to it, juicing for a few cycles will do nothing for you. That’s why people say that steroids are addictive because people cannot bear to get bigger and stronger and then go back to normal. They end up staying on it all the time. Competitors do something that some people call “blast and cruise” which means taking high amounts of gear during competition season and then reducing the amount in the off season to manage all the side effects but still keep their size and strength. YOUR TESTOSTERONE LEVELS MAY NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN Once you are artificially supplying testosterone to your body, there is a chance that it will no longer want to produce it naturally. During the cycle you will feel like a sex machine, but when you stop you might pay the price. Also, there are certain steroids that might give you the opposite effect even DURING the cycle and you will have problems maintaining an erection even when on gear. Now, there are medications to counteract this side effect and a common one is called proviron. But one word of caution: by the end of this video, you will probably see that you will need a medication to fix a problem created by another medication used to fix a problem created by a side effect created by the juice! So because you can take medictions to counteract everything, this doesn’t mean you are not creating other issues. Now back to testosterone. You cannot take playing with your hormones lightly. Messing with your testosterone can mean a screwed up sex life, shrunken testicles with low sperm count, and man boobs amongst other issues. This is something you really need to think about before starting gear. *CONTINUE READING HERE* https://muscularstrength.com/article/Seven-Things-You-Need-To-Know-Before-Taking-Steroids Program Selector - Get The Right Program For You! - https://muscularstrength.com/Program-Selector ---------------------------------------- Subscribe To My Channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/ScottHermanFitness ---------------------------------------- 1 on 1 Online Coaching - http://muscularstrength.com/consultations ---------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD MY APP! – iPhone & Android! https://muscularstrength.com/phoneapp ---------------------------------------- MORE TIPS! - https://www.instagram.com/ScottHermanFitness'
Tags: Workout , exercise , muscle , Weight Training (Hobby) , Physical Fitness (Industry) , Fitness (Magazine) , steroids , diababol
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