'B-GREAT ‘Healthy HeArtist’ - “FAMiLY POUND Fitness for a CAUSE” (Recap)'

01:59 Feb 13, 2023
'To Binarily Grow Rising Exceptional Artists Thriving in society...we are committed to creating health-focused / non competitive opportunities for those young Artists in our community who are serious about training, digging deeper, sharpening their skills & giving back!   For the 2019 first quarter, we decided to focus on providing opportunities to enrich the healthy minds & bodies our youth Artists & Supporters launching our first \'Healthy HeArtist\' series.   - In February we welcomed a special Health Coach/Nutritionist to share valuable information on nutrition & supplements specific to Singers & beyond.  - For our March event, we chose to take our new Wednesday POUND indoor Work-out class to the OUTSIDE back lot and invite family & friends.  - The music was blasting & the breeze was cool as our Youth Artists w/their Family & Friends POUNDED the pavement  as the sun set! The evening was magical ✨   Thank you participants, volunteers & supporters for all you did to make our first Family POUND fitness Rockout /Workout for a Cause possible!   - 

Tags: fitness , training , Music , artists , Nonprofit , singers , Performers , Drummers , margate , Family Pound at B-GREAT , Family Pound , B-GREAT , FamilyUnited

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