'10 Minute KILLER Abs and Obliques Circuit (Home Core Workout!)'

04:00 Feb 13, 2023
'This video features a 10 minute circuit that you can do at home to shred your abs and obliques. This workout as a whole can certainly be done for longer than 10 minutes depending on how many times you want to cycle through the three phases of the circuit. The exercises mix together different method of functional training of the core, such as slow eccentric training and isometric training. Different rep ranges and tempos are utilized as well to ensure that you get the most out of your workout.  Follow me on Instagram: @t_scacciafit Email me for a workout Program: tscacciatraining@gmail.com' 

Tags: no equipment hiit workout , lose weight fast exercise at home , abs workout 10 minutes , abs workout no equipment , lose weight in 1 week workout , home core workout , abs workout athlean x , home core workout no equipment , 10 minute core workout for women , 10 Minute abs and obliques workout , 10 minute killer abs and obliques circuit , abs workout 10 minutes intense , home core workout for beginners , 10 minute core workout for men , 10 minute core workout beginner , hardest core workouts

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