'The Seated Medicine Ball Russian Twist is an excellent core strengthening exercise that primarily targets the obliques. To get started: 1. Sit down on the ground, while holding a medicine ball with your arms extended in front of your body. 2. With your knees slightly bent, raise your feet a few inches off the ground, keeping your core contracted, and a flat back. 3. Under control, slowly bring the medicine ball towards your hip on one side of your body, then reverse the movement to the other side of your body. 4. Continue for reps. DISCOVER THE WORKOUT PROGRAM SUITED FOR YOUR GOALS Live Lean Program Selector Quiz: http://www.liveleantv.com/quiz Don\'t forget to subscribe and check out our main channel: http://www.youtube.com/liveleantv Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LiveLeanTV Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/LiveLeanTV Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/LiveLeanTV Snapchat: http://www.snapchat.com/add/LiveLeanTV'
Tags: workouts , ab exercises , leg exercises , bicep exercises , exercise video , chest exercises , shoulder exercises , exercise tutorial , tricep exercises , back exercises , exercise demonstration , exercise demo , calf exercises , How To Do A SEATED MEDICINE BALL RUSSIAN TWIST
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