'Train SMART: Back extensions are often seen incorrectly and can contribute to lower back pain. Be sure to not hyperextend your low back, squeeze your butt, and be slow and controlled. To increase the difficulty, place your hands across your chest or extend your arms straight out in front of you. Do not add any weight until these options are too easy. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/real.fitness... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realfitnessrx/ Website: https://realfitnessrx.wixsite.com/rea... Email: [email protected] #realfitness #realfitnessrx #onlinepersonaltrainer #trainsmart #backextension #weightloss #lumbar #ridlowbackpain'
Tags: fitness , Health , realfitness , lumbar , Trainsmart , onlinepersonaltrainer , backextension , lowbackpain , realfitnessrx
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