'6 EASY AND EFFECTIVE HOME CORE WORKOUTS ।। MALE / FEMALE ।। #fitnessfreak #jamshedpur #coreworkout YOU CAN DO THESE WORKOUTS AFTER EVERY RUNNING SESSION FOR BETTER AND FAST RESULT ।।।। #athlete #jamshedpur #coreworkout #core #abs #sixpack #corestrength WORKOUT PERFORMER - : GOUR CHANDRA MAHATO EDIT - : GOUR CHANDRA MAHATO CAMERAMAN : - JIJU https://instagram.com/maheshwar431?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= ❤️ THUMBNAIL : - ASHIQUE PARWEJ https://instagram.com/parwej_ashique_?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= ❤️'
Tags: core workout , core strength , abs workout , six easy and effective core workouts , StudBeast
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