Sep 9, 2023
'*Train SMART: Leg Extension* Here you see a common exercise done every day in the gym. Machines have their place but can still be done incorrectly and cause injury. The leg extension is a controversial exercise as it can put a lot of stress on your knees. Many with knee injuries believe it will \"help\" their knees, when in fact it can make the joint much worse. If you choose to use the leg extension, make sure you are set up correctly, back is supported, and your knee is directly in line with the pivot point. If you feel ANY pain at all, STOP. I\'ve actually seen trainers have their clients thrust so hard their rear ends actually come OFF the seat. It completely negates the purpose of this exercise and can cause serious damage. Keep your form, go slow, and connect with your mind on WHAT you are actually doing. Don\'t do repetitions mindlessly. You will have the best effects performing this exercise with time under tension. Try for 3 seconds up, and 2 seconds down. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/real.fitness.rx/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realfitnessrx/ Website: https://realfitnessrx.wixsite.com/realfitnessrx'
Tags: weightlifting , leg extension , realfitness , time under tension , onlinepersonaltraining , realfitnessrx
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