'Kungs vs Cookin\" - This Girl - Fitness HipNThigh Excercise - Dance'

03:22 Sep 23, 2023
'Buy the HipNThigh in our webshop: ►Our webshop: http://thestarfactory.fanfiber.com  ►Facebook: http://facebook.com/saskiasdansschool ►Instagram: http://instagram.com/saskiasdansschool ►Instagram Pim: http://instagram.com/pimmiethedog  ►Choreo by: Saskia van Dijk - Sassie  ►Song: This Girl - Kungs vs Cookin\" on 3 Burners' 

Tags: tutorial , fitness , Workout , Dance , muscles , Easy , The , legs , ZUMBA , shape , booty , choreography , netherlands , excercise , choreo , dans , Dansschool , harmelen , woerden , fitgirls , starfactory , dansen , Saskia's , Nederand , this girl , hipnthigh , Bottum , kungs

See also:
