'Affordable Home Gym, Pre/Post Workout Carbs Nicole Wilkins answers your questions! Each week, fans will have the opportunity to ask Nicole a question right on the FitnessRx Facebook fanpage, and a handful of your questions will be chosen for Nicole to answer on camera every Friday. In this week\'s episode, 3-time Figure Olympia Champion Nicole Wilkins answers YOUR questions about: creating a budget-conscious home gym, drinking protein shakes during a workout, improving grip and pre & post workout meals. Check it out! For more of Nicole Wilkins\' advice, check out her entire FIT LIFE Series. This information is for general purposes only. Always consult your doctor before beginning any training or diet/supplement program.'
Tags: fit life , protein shakes , Nicole Wilkins , home gyms , pre-workout meal , post-workout meal , IFBB professional , Miss Figure Olympia , FitnessRx Women , Ask Nicole , improving grip
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