'Hi, today is 19.4.2018. and I\'m starting a 100 day challenge where I push myself to the limits and doing every week more and more exercises. Minimalism is the key. This is my progress. I\'m 182cm, 67.8kg. Today\'s workouts are push-ups. I did normal 40, wide 30, narrow 30, hindu 30, hand up 40, diamond 10. That is 180 overall pushups. I also did 10km distance by running / walking. This all is powered by: fruit monomeals, dry fasting, caloric restriction, yoga, meditation, cold water only, sleeping, sitting on the floor, nature, sun, barefoot walking, and climbing. I hope this can motivate people to exercise even more.'
Tags: Workout , motivation , exercise , challenge , progress , pushups , minimalism
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