'http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0058CSF8E/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=wiivviderevi-20 The Wiiviewer reviews The Cyberbike Exercise Bike, and the game that comes with it.'
Tags: exercise , funny , review , Nintendo , Gameplay , video , Race , Ride , game , fit , hand , games , cycling , portable , Your , extreme , mod , bicycle , copy , PlayStation , riding , Trail , bike , Dirt , n64 , unlock , won , gamecube , mountain , Sony , biking , iso , xbox , PS3 , wii , PS2 , PS1 , hack , Controller , holding , Hold , put , console , hands , psp , Keep , trial , mountain bike , bike ride , Sega , Nintendo wii , Xbox360 , downhill , viewer , trials , Backup , wiiviewer , viewr
See also: