Apr 9, 2024
'Hey guys! I am currently doing a mini shred for my upcoming USA/Mexico holiday! In this video I talk about my current macros & training + my tips to effective fat loss!!! I\'ll also take you through an epic leg day workout! All reps and sets are written on the screen! Let me know if you give this workout a go! Hope you like this one! Please leave a comment below with your feedback! Much Love! Loz xoxo ____________________________________________________________________ For custom meal plans & training programs please email me for more information: support@laurensimpsonfitness.com www.laurensimpsonfitness.com CONNECT WITH ME! IG: @laurensimpson @laurensimpsonfitness __________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT CODES Ryderwear: LAUREN10 EHPLABS: LAUREN10 _________________________________________________________________ Edited by Sabin Studios | http://www.sabinstudios.com'See also: