'Hi guys! This video is a beauty battle comparison between Anastasia Beverly Hills and Benefit brow products! Which one to buy!? This should help you make a more informed decision next time you\'re in Sephora! THANKS FOR SUBSCRIBING XX Both of these brands have such amazing products!! Hopefully this video will give you guys some helpful info to use next time you are in the market for some new brow products. Hope you enjoy it! Products:.. Anastasia Beverly Hills Dipbrow Pomade- Taupe Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz-Medium Brown Benefit Cosmetics Ka-Brow- #3 Benefit Cosmetics Precisely, My Brow Pencil- #3 Codes: TeaMi Blends BeautyBanter for %15 off! https://www.teamiblends.com Connect with me: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beauty_banter/ Facebook: www.Facebook.com/BeautyBanterBlog E-Mail: MyBeautyBanter@Gmail.com Snapchat: VielaBeauty Client makeup: MakeupByMaddy.online Hey! My name is Maddy and I am School Psychologist working with young children by day and a makeup obsessed beauty junkie by night! Making videos about makeup, skincare, and occasionally fashion is my favorite thing to do. I love to spend my free time researching and trying out new products so I can deliver the best reviews for my subscribers! I also try and provide chic, but very easy and doable makeup looks for my ladies and gents out there who are not pro makeup artists but want to look great! My dream is for my channel to grow and to reach more people, but regardless of views and subscribers, I love working on my channel and trying to improve it with each video! Endless gratitude for those of you who take the time to subscribe, share and comment, it truly means the world to me! xx #benefitvanastasiabrowproducts #whichbrowproductstobuy #anastasiabeverlyhillsvsbenefit #browproducts #beautybattle #bestultabrowproducts #whattobuyatulta #beautybanter https://youtu.be/QrzxeUOeCLA'
Tags: abh vs benefit brow product comparison which to buy , anastasia beverly hills vs benefit brow products which is better , anastasia beverly hills vs benefit cosmetics brow products , are benefit brow products worth the money , best brow products at ulta , best brow products on the market , best of anastasia beverly hills , best sephora brow products , is anastasia beverly hills good , what to buy at sephora for beginners , whats better abh or benefit , whats better anastasia or benefit
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