'JIGGY FAM basketball runs at LA Fitness! Jiggy, Marco, and Jeff run 5v5 at LA fitness. Marco goes off and gets buckets. Let us know in the comments what videos we should do next! This weeks Shoutout: @koko_go.crazy Shout out! 1. Comment below what is something you can\'t live without. 2. We will randomly pick someone from the comments for our next video for a shout out. We appreciate the Jiggy Familia for watching and stay tuned for our future Videos. Like, Subscribe, Turn on Post notifications we love you familia! Follow us on Instagram Izzy: @StayJiggyIzzy (https://www.instagram.com/stayjiggyiz...) Marco: @StayJiggyMarco (https://www.instagram.com/stayjiggyma...) BALBUI: @BAL.BUI (https://www.instagram.com/bal.bui/?hl=en) Produced, Shot, and Edited by Jeffrey Bui (@Bal.Bui)'
Tags: ballislife , basketball highlights , OverTime , la fitness , House of Highlights , 5v5 basketball , la fitness basketball games , la fitness basketball highlights , la fitness basketball runs , family basketball , family basketball game , basketball shot , slamonline , 5v5 basketball plays , 5v5 basketball games , 5v5 basketball tips , 5v5 basketball strategy , 5v5 basketball moves , 5v5 basketball game ace family
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