Aug 24, 2024
'http://www.primemotionfitness.com.au https://www.facebook.com/PrimeMotionFitnessTraining Victoria Police Training Experts. Testimonial When Chris came to us he was only achieving level 4 on the beep test and by the end of his training program with us he was achieving level 15. We would normally see an increase of 3-5 levels but Chris\' dedication to his training was exemplary and he certainly reaped the benefits. Please watch the video and listen how we were able to help Chris! Chris passed his test with flying colours and in April of 2011 started as a Victoria Police Recruit at the Police Academy. Chris is a fine young man and will be a great asset to the Victoria Police Force. If you\'d like to find out more details on how Prime Motion Fitness could help you, please visit www.primemotionfitness.com.au.'
Tags: Victoria Police , victoria police fitness , prime motion fitness
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