'Aishwarya Rai Beauty and Fitness Secrets Revealed | Divya Beauty Tips'

06:36 Jun 3, 2021
'Aishwarya Rai Beauty and Fitness Secrets Revealed  She has been blessed with good hair and skin genetically and she follows a very healthy lifestyle to maintain her beauty. She stays away from fried food, junk food, packaged food, alcohol, and smoking and eats a lot of fruits and vegetables (for vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals), prefers home cooked meals and drinks plenty of water to keep her skin hydrated and fresh. These are most important things to keep in mind to keep your skin young and beautiful at all times! Apart from that here are some of the Aishwarya Rai beauty secrets tips that we can apply in our daily lives  Aishwarya uses a mix of besan (gram flour), milk and haldi (turmeric) as an exfoliant. Alternatively,she uses yogurt to moisturize her skin and applies freshly crushed cucumber face mask. She fights her skin problems by washing face regularly and using a suitable moisturizer. Her skin care routine mostly consists of natural remedies that can be made at home over a packaged product. And you can see how effective it has been on her' 

Tags: Skin whitening tips , Tamil beauty tips , Beauty tips in tamil , aishwarya rai fitness , aishwarya rai beauty secret , aishwarya rai age , aishwarya rai diet tips , tami beauty tips , face whitening tips , how to get fair skin naturally , fairness tips in tamil , mugam velliyaga , mugam velliya mara tips in tamil

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