'Set Your Timer to 12 Rounds 10s / 50s maximum reps for time. For 12 minutes,try hard to push,its only 12 minutes of net time! This whole past 2x Sumo Squats & Leg Lift /with Sandbag Reptile Push Ups Side Jump & Lunge 2x Push Ups & Up Jamp with Sandbag Scissors The Ball Over My score = 1 round- 30/18/14/6/54/14 and 2 round - 26/19/14/6/60/14 Enjoy Your Workout! Martina:) https://facebook.com/Fitnessbodyrock http://www.fitnessbodyrock.zacit.cz'
Tags: tutorial , fitness , Workout , exercise , diet , loss , weight , Health , body , muscle , fat , training , Physical Exercise (Symptom)
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