'David Kirsch\'s Ultimate Fitness Boot Camp'

'David Kirsch\'s Ultimate Fitness Boot Camp'
00:32 Jul 13, 2021
'Get DAVID As Your At-Home Trainer, FREE: https://davidkirschwellness.com/5-days-free  The ultimate fat burning, body sculpting, total body workout!   Shot with Heidi Klum on an exclusive private beach in the Hamptons in New York, David Kirsch\'s Ultimate Fitness Boot Camp requires no special equipment other than a light pair of dumbbells.   You can do these exercises on the road or in your living room. With David\'s Boot Camp, you\'ll get off the couch and into a better life!  Seriously, get results from a trainer who has been through the gauntlet of natural supplements and certifications. It\'s your time.   ★☆★ FOLLOW DAVID BELOW: ★☆★  Blog ► https://davidkirschwellness.com/about-david/blog/ YouTube ► https://www.youtube.com/user/DavidKirschwellness Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/DavidKirschWellnessCo Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/davidkirsch' 

Tags: abs , cardio , Personal Training , heidi klum , arms , trainer , crunches , at home workout , butt , butt workout , bootcamp , routines , sculpting , harper , Camp , leg , Obama , Michelle , bingo , Anderson , bob , Boot , heidi , wings , david , klum , Jillian , Bulge , fitness bootcamp , David Kirsch , Kirsch , Midriff , sculpt your body

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