'Back stage at the Elisabetta Rogiani bikini runway show. Ft. Rachel Elizabeth Murray, Angela Skeels, and Lauren McBride. Click “see more” below for more info! — Official Site: www.causefitness.com Join The Cause for $1: http://www.patreon.com/causefitness Ebooks & Training Programs: - Bikinis & Boardshorts (His and Hers Fat-loss, Strength & Conditioning Programs: www.causefitness.com/bikinisandboardshorts - Thinspo to Fitspo (Build curves, lose fat - for women): www.causefitness.com/store - Cause Fitness on a Budget: www.causefitness.com/store Custom Online Training and Nutrition Coaching: www.causefitness.com/VT — VIDEO PLAYLISTS: Cause Fitness: http://bit.ly/Playlist-CF Exercise Library: http://bit.ly/Playlist-EL Real Talk With Rach: http://bit.ly/Playlist-RTWR The Monday Challenge (where it all started): http://bit.ly/Playlist-MC MY STORY: http://bit.ly/my-fitness-story SOCIAL LINKS: IG: www.instagram.com/rachelizabethm FB: www.facebook.com/rachelizabethm T: www.twitter.com/causefitness Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/causefitness BB.com: http://bodyspace.bodybuilding.com/Rachelizabethm/ — NEW VIDEOS EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 10AM PST — #RealTalkWithRach #RTWR #CauseFitness *Soli Deo Gloria*'
Tags: fashion , runway , fashion show , funny , fun , warm up , Bikini , fitness model , back stage , pistol squat , IFBB Bikini Pro , impressive , rogiani , rachel elizabeth , elisabetta rogiani , fitness in heels , stillettos , Lauren McBride , Rachel Elizabeth Murray , cause fitness , Angela Skeels
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