'#RepublicTV #PMModi #ViratKohli PM Modi was joined by India\'s top athletes and fitness influencers - including actor and marathon runner Milind Soman, Paralympian Devendra Jhajharia, nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar, footballer Afshan Ashiq, Shivadhyanam Saraswati & Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal\'s Mukul Kanitkar in the Fit India Dialogue 2020 which centred around wellness, health, fitness & nutrition. Subscribe to Republic TV & Don\'t forget to press THE BELL ICON to never miss any updates► http://bit.ly/RepublicWorld Official Website - https://www.republicworld.com/ Republic TV is India\'s no.1 English news channel since its launch. It is your one-stop destination for all the live news updates from India and around the world. Republic TV makes news accessible for you at your convenience, at all times and across devices. At Republic we keep you updated with up-to-the-minute news on politics, sports, entertainment, lifestyle, gadgets and much more. We believe in Breaking the story and Breaking the Silence. But most importantly, for us ‘You Are Republic, We Are Your Voice.’ Also, Watch ► Republic TV Live News Updates ►http://bit.ly/RepublicTVLiveNews The Debate With Arnab Goswami ► http://bit.ly/TheDebateWithArnabGoswami Biggest Story Tonight ► http://bit.ly/BiggestStoryTonight Burning Question Debates ► http://bit.ly/BurningQuestionDebate Patriot With Major Gaurav Arya ► http://bit.ly/PatriotFullEpisodes Exclusive Sunday Debate With Arnab Goswami ► http://bit.ly/SundayDebate You can stay connected with Republic TV on - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/RepublicWorld/ Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/republic Official Website - https://www.republicworld.com/'
Tags: Virat Kohli , fit india , Modi , milind soman , Fit India Movement , PM Modi , Modi speech today , pm modi speech today , Swami Sivananda , Fit India Dialogue , modi speech live , PM Modi Live Today , pm modi live speech , modi live pm modi live , pm modi today live news , live news pm modi , pm modi speech today live , modi speech today live , modi ji live today , live modi speech today , rutuja diwekar , mukul kanitkar , afshan ashiq , pm fit india movement , swami shiva dhyanam saraswati
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