'Fitness Myth: Sex and Masturbation Impact Muscle Growth and Strength (NoFap Debunked)'

'Fitness Myth: Sex and Masturbation Impact Muscle Growth and Strength (NoFap Debunked)'
06:32 Feb 3, 2022
'No fap is a movement (or a lack of movement) that claims to radically improve the quality of your life by practicing absolute abstinence when it comes to masturbation. One of the main claims is that it helps body composition.  The trouble is, almost all of this is based on ONE study with a sample size of TEN people that was extremely poorly designed.   Any type of addiction is going be best controlled, but occasionally masturbating?   No problem at all. You can all stop DMing me asking this question. Use that time for...something else.  As for muscle growth and strength increases, most transient increases in hormone levels are NOT going to have a long term impact on anything. Whether growth hormone or IGF-1 or testosterone, small spikes caused by touching yourself or not touching yourself simply don\'t matter.   There\'s a lot more to muscle growth than JUST hormones, and there\'s absolutely no harm in masturbating in moderation.  References: 3 weeks https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11760788/ HGH/test/IGF-1 no impact: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22105707/ Hangzhou Study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12659241/  On the other hand, if you are truly addicted, you may see some improvement in quality of life by getting a grip on things. Or not. But most people won\'t see any noticeable difference.  And finally, if you did nofap and it radically changed your life, that\'s great. I\'m glad for you. But don\'t think that your personal, anecdotal experience counts for much. Data, studies, or get outta here. I\'m willing to read those and maybe change my mind but \"I didn\'t whack it for two weeks and hit a bench PR\" isn\'t quite the type of thing to convince me.   Geoff\'s Training Plans/Coaching? Email geodude412 (at symbol thingy) yahoo (dot symbol thingy) com Geoff\'s Book? (Has 4.7 stars, rave reviews, enjoy!) https://www.verityfit.com/product-page/sweat Geoff\'s Medium? (Appreciate the support!!!!) https://medium.com/@geoffreyschofield Geoff\'s Instagram?  https://www.instagram.com/geoffreyverityschofield/ Geoff\'s Quora? (you probably already know!) https://www.quora.com/profile/Geoffrey-Verity-Schofield' 

Tags: fitness , strength , build muscle , sex , masturbation , nofap benefits , no fap , build muscle fast , nofap results , benefits of nofap , nofap relapse , nofap debate , nofap science explained , masturbation strength , does masturbation impact muscle growth , nofap challenge , nofap testosterone , nofap relapse after long streak , nofap debunked , sex and strength , does sex impact muscle gain , sex and muscle gain , sex and muscle growth , does sex impact strength? , masturbation impact strength?

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