'A series of exercises on the basis of 1 minute - 1 rep, 2 minutes - 2 reps, etc. Exercises: Jerks; Turkish Set up with two kettlebells; Long cycle jerks; Kettlebell Figure 8 out of knee; Shoulder press; Jerk & slope; Press elbow from the knee; Overhead squats; Hold the biceps in seconds; Turkish Set up with a kettlebell; Side jerks in in leaning position;'
Tags: fitness , kettlebell , shoulder press , #hangoutsonair , Hangouts On Air , #hoa , jerk , funny fitness , overhead squats , fitness with kettlebells , turkish Set up with two kettlebells , long cycle jerks , kettlebell Figure 8 out of knee , jerk & slope , press elbow from the knee , hold the biceps in seconds , turkish Set up with a kettlebell , side jerks in in leaning position
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