'This HIIT LOWER BODY WORKOUT for women at home is a combination of cardio training & toning moves for legs, thighs & butt. Cardio workouts is one of the best way to revitalize your training session and burn those extra calories! Sweat it out with some fun moves and very few types of equipment. Hectic schedules leave most of us without any time for exercising the body. How important is it to stay fit and healthy? I guess we all would agree that it is very important! So why don’t we remove some time out and work towards a healthy lifestyle! Pump up your body and get your heart rate raising with some cardio exercises shown in this video and I’m sure you will feel much more energetic by the end of this workout session. Get started with some warm-ups and some of them are Spot jogging, leg stretches and the wind mills that stretch your muscles in the legs and arms getting your body ready for the main workout. The upper body stretches is an excellent exercise that stretches out the sides of the abs. The shoulder rotations help your upper body to get more flexible. The neck rotations loosen up the muscles in your neck and relax you. These warm up exercise are vital for any form of workout that that your desire to perform. Coming to the main part of the cardio workout for the lower body, we begin with the Squat Jacks! Time yourself. Squats are great for your lower body. The thighs get toned and help your inner thigh muscles get stronger. The Hip Thrusters to bicycle crunches may sound a bit complicated but actually is very simple to perform. Your hips muscles are activated and your lower abs gets strengthened. The next one is a step up to backward and lateral kick exercise makes your calf muscles strong and also is a great strength training workout. The hip thruster to hamstring walk is another lower body workout which is an important cardio workout. This is a very challenging exercise that requires your concentration and balance at all times. Your abs get toned and I’m sure all you women out there will want to flaunt wash board abs! If you do then this is a great lower body workout that you must try out. The Dumbbell overhead high knees exercise is done using dumbbells and requires your upper body and lower body to be exercised at the same time. The shoulders and front of your legs get strengthened. Feel your calf muscles tighten. What is a Hydrant to squat exercise? This lower body workout tones your inner thigh muscles which is a problematic area for most women. The Curtsy Lunge Jump is a fantastic exercise for your butt and the front of your legs. This exercise also works on the sides of your legs making them feel and look more toned. The lunging and jumping technique implied in this exercise works very well for your lower body. Every single muscle gets activated in the Curtsy Lunge Jump. The Lateral Jump is brilliant for your inner thigh muscles! Most women neglect this part of the body but this cardio workout will give you that gap between the thighs that you always wanted. Keep your pace comfortable and do not worry about the speed. Focus on the way you perform the exercise correctly rather than rushing through the workouts. Increase your metabolism with these cardio workouts and feel all revved up. The best way to get fit is to enjoy your fitness session. Let loose and motivate yourself towards a healthier lifestyle. Cardio & Lower Body Workout At Home For Women @ https://www.youtube.com/c/Stylecrazefitness I hope you have enjoyed watching this video. So gear up for some exciting exercises and get started right away! Subscribe @ https://www.youtube.com/c/Stylecrazefitness Facebook@ https://www.facebook.com/StylecrazeVideos Other Yoga / Fitness Videos From Our Channel - Power Yoga Upper Body Work Out - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVZaJH3OUdA Chest Workout For Women - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqBKuZFPIbg HIIT Weight Loss Exercises For Women - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjILIBPNiW0 HIIT Full Body Workout At Home - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztVXh01oWEw Power Yoga For Weight Loss - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHZa0hY-Xjg'
Tags: how to , cardio workout , leg workout , lower body workout , lower body workout at home , cardio workout for beginners , cardio workouts , lower body , best cardio workout , cardio workout for women , lower body exercises , lower body workout for women , lower body workout for women at home , lower body workouts , lower body workouts for women , lower body workouts for beginners , lower workout at home , cardio exercises for women at home , lower body workouts without weights
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