'Level THREE | All SEATED | TOTAL BODY | BURN 300 calories Killer Bs, this 4-in-1 workout has it ALL going on: high heart rate, steady state CARDIO, fat burning CARDIO TONING with light dumbbells, muscle-building STRENGTH TRAINING with heavier dumbbells, and belly-strengthening ABS exercises! From a CHAIR! Get my exact 3-pair Dumbbell Set (affiliate link): https://amzn.to/2vkvMkg In just 30 minutes, we\'re burning about 300 calories, shaping your body, strengthening our shoulders, abs and butt, and talking about the BEST way to burn belly fat (hint: it\'s the same way we burn ANY kind of fat!)
Tags: home workout , Pahla B , Pahla Bowers , burn belly fat , chair exercises , seated workout , seated cardio workout , chair cardio , pahla b seated , workout for belly fat , seated abs workout , 30 minute seated workout , seated strength workout , seated workout for belly fat , 30 minute belly fat burn workout , seated cardio toning , cardio without standing , cardio in a chair , 30 minute chair workout
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