Jul 30, 2022
'If you’re someone who works at a computer or uses a phone, you might have forward head posture. This position, also known as upper cross syndrom, where the head rests forward of the shoulders, contributes to lengthening of the posterior muscles of the neck, shoulders and back that can lead to neck aches, back aches, and headaches. Conversely, the anterior muscles of the neck and chest shorten or tighten causing us curl into ourselves. Follow along with Jill as she leads you through some of her favorite moves designed to bring your brain over your heart and reset your shoulders and arms for a more comfortable upright stance. Read Posture: The Dynamic Way Your Body Organizes Itself: https://www.tuneupfitness.com/blog/posture/'
Tags: posture , self massage , fhp , smfr , massage balls
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