'Success Story October 2018 - Brittany Brown | Afterburn Fitness'

'Success Story October 2018 - Brittany Brown | Afterburn Fitness'
03:44 Jul 30, 2022
'\"I\'ve worked through a death in the family, moving and also starting a new job...\'\" - Brittany Marie Brown  The good ol\' saying, \"When it rains, it pours\" stands true to Brittany and her continuous fitness journey. Growing up an athlete and even playing in college, she missed the competitive nature and decided to take on physique competitions as her new learning experience. For anyone going through struggles and having a rough time getting your fitness back on track, this one is for you! Let\'s all show some love to our October Success Story: BRITTANY BROWN!' 

Tags: Workout , FitFam , afterburn , nodaysoff , afterburnfitness , afterburnfitnessvalencia , j schein

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