'NoExcuseWorkout Series - Outdoors Fitness - Beach Circuit. Running + Beach Circuit Training - Cardiovascular fitness, leg and ABS strength and conditioning. Workout can be used for: - Specific Training - Legs/ABS strength and conditioning - General Fitness - Get fitter, stronger and develop ABS strength - Weight Loss - Burn more calories and tone arms, shoulders, abs and legs. New video next weekend, don\'t miss it... LIKE ► www.facebook.com/tips4resutls Every weekend a new training session \"varying\" in styles! Functional, Strength, Sports Specific, Technique, Core and more... Using KBs, TRX, SBags, Bands, Swiss Ball, Barbell, Buso, Body Weight to name a few. As well as Fitness & Nutrition TIPS 4 RESULTS. Connect with us: DOWNLOAD: Pocket Fitness Coach app 24/7 PERSONALIZED Training Plan ► www.pocketfitnesscoachApp.com ❶ Facebook ► www.facebook.com/tips4results ❷ Blog ► www.tips4results.blogspot.co.uk ❸ YouTube ► www.youtube.com/RPTtv by RodrigoPeres.com'
Tags: Weight loss , weightloss , Online fitness , Online workout , running , online personal trainer , beach body , treino , online fitness coach , beach workout , malhação , nutrição , online strength and conditioning , pocket fitness coach app , outdoors fitness
See also: