'IT Band-Aid Anatomy Lecture with Jill Miller - Intro for Union.fit Class'

'IT Band-Aid Anatomy Lecture with Jill Miller - Intro for Union.fit Class'
04:38 Aug 7, 2022
'Anatomy Lecture intro for Jill Miller\'s Union.Fit Class \"IT Band-Aid: Reframe & Care for a Misunderstood Tissue\" -  Get the full Class Repay at: https://www.union.fit/events/tune-up-fitness-30-min-rollout-myofascial-tune-up-with-jill-miller/performances/c1bcch51  Jill Miller discusses the interconnectedness of the IT Band uptown to hips and buttocks down to knees and ankles. Enjoy this Anatomy lecture then visit her therapeutic Roll Model Method massage ball rollout class on union.fit.  Join Jill during next class.   - ROLL on Monday’s, Self-Myofascial Release (SMFR) for all movement levels  - MOVE on Wednesdays for your mid-week Yoga Tune Up  - BREATHE and perform core work on Friday’s to set the tone for your blissed-out weekend  Purchase a day pass, or become a Subscriber for unlimited monthly access, unlimited FREE replays, and a FREE Mentorship Zoom call on the first Friday of the Month with Jill!  Replays of existing library classes also now available.  Turn your Body Blindspots into Body Bright-spots:  https://www.union.fit/orgs/tune-up-fitness' 

Tags: Anatomy , it band , Jill Miller , yoga tune up , Tune up Fitness , roll model method , Live Yoga Classes

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