'Navjot Kaur has been a fitness instructor for 3 years now and has since grown her brand \"Classic Curve Fitness\" steadily and successfully. She also features regularly on local TV channels as a fitness instructor. We discuss her story of finding her calling after 8 years in the marketing industry in Episode 28 of #Backstage #FollowYourPassion Spread the Word: Like | Comment | Share | Subscribe Want more passion talks? Follow us on - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letsredesyn Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/re_desyn Blog: www.medium.com/@redesyn LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/redesyn Youtubers, ContentCreators, Designers, Influencers, & Artists! Turn your art into merchandise & Launch your memberships NOW in minutes! Website: https://www.redesyn.com/ (You can also start shopping) Cheers!'
Tags: fashion , Design , youtubers , art , tshirts , influencers , merchandise , #shikharvaidya , #smritidubey , redesyn
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