Aug 30, 2022
'The latest film from Andrew Mongi, who heads up our Southwark fitness session on Monday evenings from 6:30pm – 8:30pm in SE1. Andrew came through our Southwark sessions as a young participant, then volunteer, then paid coach and now runs his own graphic design business which we helped to set up and who we use for our promotional material. The session is overseen by Oli Rahman, who helped started Active Communities Network back in 2007 and takes place at St Jude’s Centre, St. George’s Road, SE1 6EZ. In the future an \'Exercise of the Week\' will be filmed and uploaded here to demonstrate simple exercises to young people that can easily be done at home. These will include basic exercises such as press-ups, sit-ups and burpees. The participants of the sessions recently completed a fundraising run which has raised over £400. See photos from the sessions on our Flickr account: https://www.flickr.com/photos/activecommunitiesnetwork/sets/72157647261494530/#'
Tags: fitness , london , Southwark , SE1
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