'What\'s the purpose of advertising and marketing? It\'s a form of costly signaling that displays fitness. In the book Spent, Geoffrey Miller makes an analogy between advertising and the peacock tail. The tail is attractive to potential mates by demonstrating that the peacock has \"healthy\" genes. But the elaborate tail feathers have harmful costs like exposing the peacock to predators, slowing it down, and requiring it to expend additional resources. Miller argues that advertising is like the peacock tail in that it demonstrates the underlying \"health\" of the company. Since they have the resources to create ads then they also likely have the resources to satisfy customers. In the book Alchemy Rory Sutherland makes a similar point about the early uses of typewriters. Initially, typewriters created MORE work for companies because they had to write down everything twice--first in pen and then through the typewriter. The extra costs of typing out materials was offset by the greater influence that documents carried if they were typed compared to if they were written out. The typed documents demonstrated that the company was savy and that they had resources, supporting their ability to provide a superior product or service. Additional counterintuitive examples of \"advertising\" are discussed within the video (and within Spent and Alchemy), including: ▶How BMW ads are designed to reinforce the perception of BMW owners (not to sell a vehicle). ▶How placing chairs outside coffee shops can attract customers. ▶How branding and advertising builds accountability and trust. You can learn more about The Psychology Of Digital Marketing by checking out the full guest lecture: ▶https://youtu.be/7d1QpuNsHxM SIGN UP AND WATCH OUR WEBINARS: ▶https://bit.ly/2KGKk2m LEARN MORE ABOUT INTERMARK GROUP: ▶Website: http://www.intermarkgroup.com FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA ▶Subscribe (YouTube): https://bit.ly/2YBypfN ▶LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/intermark-group/ ▶Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IntermarkGroup/ ▶Twitter: https://twitter.com/IntermarkGroup ▶Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/intermarkgroup/ #purposemarketing #purposeadvertising #advertisingandmarketing'
Tags: Advertising And Marketing , advertising marketing , marketing and advertising , marketing fitness , whats the purpose of advertising and marketing , purpose of advertising , purpose of marketing , purpose of advertising and marketing , marketing purpose , advertising purpose , purpose marketing , purpose advertising , purpose of advertising fitness , purpose of marketing fitness , marketing advertising , advertising marketing purpose , marketing advertising purpose
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