'In Part Two of my Face Fitness series I share the process of how the skin ages and how skin cells duplicate. I also discuss telomere activity, the function of our chromosome strands and how DNA is transferred. Learn which enzyme is triggered to repair the tips of telomeres and more about the cell life cycle. The chronological aging process can be supported with the right care! Having a good skin care routine, regular facials, and medispa treatments using devices can optimize the fitness of your face! We all want younger, firmer skin! Building a skincare regime is a lifestyle and building a consistent skincare routine is key to optimizing skin health. Your skin is one of the most vital organs and plays many roles. It is also made up of cells which require additional attention. #skincare #SWATBeauty #MadeInCanada #CanadianMade #collagenpeptides #h2o #plantbased #stemcells #cosmeceuticals #indiebrand For products visit: https://www.swatbeauty.com/collections Check us out on Instagram at @swatbeautyofficial and on facebook!'
Tags: fitness , skincare , skin health , telomeres , made in Canada , face fitness , COSMECEUTICALS , chronological aging
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