'http://eomega.org/omega/faculty/viewProfile/4c3eeb25d0f07f2d2df6179de85a2381/ Embodying more than 23 years of expertise, Jill Miller\'s yoga classes synthesize a vast repertoire of movement arts, including modern dance, Pilates, breathwork, shiatsu, and Butoh. Decades of studies with her longtime mentor, Glenn Black, led her to create a unique program, Yoga Tune Up®, which playfully integrates the nuts and bolts of human movement with profound yogic philosophy. Millers\' groundbreaking work helps students of any body type or condition learn to systematically create lasting harmony in joints, muscles, and connective tissues so that the body is brought back into—and stays in— complete physiological balance. Miller inspires all levels of practitioners, from newcomer to teacher, with her daring, playful, and highly original classes. Her innovative teacher trainings educate teachers worldwide, and Yoga Tune Up® classes can be found at Equinox Fitness Clubs nationwide. Miller teaches workshops and retreats internationally, is a longtime faculty member of Omega Institute, and has traveled nationally to choreograph programs for the Discovery Health Channel. She has modeled for Gaiam, and her work has been featured in and on NPR. She is producer of several DVD series, including Yoga Tune Up®, Yoga Link (produced by Pranayama), and Gaiam\'s Yoga for Weight Loss. She is a contributing expert at Gaiam.com.'
Tags: yoga teacher training , Jill Miller , yoga tune up , Omega Institute
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