'The 30 Miler. A march across the harsh and unforgiving terrain of Dartmoor to be completed in eight hours, regardless of the conditions. This is the final Commando Test. Everything you’ve worked for rests on this. Can you perform under that kind of pressure? Take a look at what’s involved. You can learn all about basic training, in the ‘Get Ready to Join’ section of our website: https://bit.ly/GRTJ_3M Make sure you never miss a video by subscribing: https://bit.ly/RMR_Subscribe to our channel. It’s the best way to get all the latest Royal Marines recruitment news, advice and information. You can also connect with us using Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RoyalMarinesRecruitment/ Got a recruitment query? Get in touch by calling our team on 0345 600 1444.'
Tags: fitness , cardio , weights , Endurance , running , army , military , Recruitment , State Of Mind , Royal Marines , pride , royal navy , extreme sport , green beret , 30 miler , Royal Marines Commandos , hoofing
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