'Some people call it I scam. At \"That\'s Healthy, Right\" we call it the biggest waste of money. We\'re talking detoxes, juice cleanses, fasted training, and how to build bigger arms. ►Subscribe to My Channel Here http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=BornFitness \"That\'s Healthy, Right?\" is a fitness and nutrition video show based on the latest news, studies, and published health articles. The show aims to bust myths, simplify questions, and make it easier to live a healthier life, whether it\'s building muscle, losing fat, or just eating healthier and living longer. Adam Bornstein is the co-host of \"That\'s Healthy, Right?\" Bornstein is the CEO and founder of Born Fitness, an online platform for accurate health, fitness, and nutrition information, and the leader in online fitness coaching. Bornstein is a New York Times best-selling author, the former Fitness Editor for Men\'s Health Magazine, and former Editorial Director for LIVESTRONG.COM. Bornstein is also the CEO of Pen Name Consulting, a branding agency whose clients include Equinox, Beachbody, Microsoft, Tim Ferriss, and other Fortune 500 companies. ►Follow Born Fitness Online Here: Website: http://bornfitness.com Instagram: http://instagram.com/bornfitness Facebook: http://facebook.com/bornfitness Twitter: http://twitter.com/bornfitness Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/bornfitness Medium: http://medium.com/@BornFitness'
Tags: juice cleanses , health questions , born fitness , adam bornstein , fasted exercise , fasted training , building bigger arms , that's healthy right , detoxes , detoxes for weight loss
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