'Level TWO | ALL standing, NO cardio | DUMBBELLS | BURN 125 - 150 calories This one\'s for my ladies of a \"certain age\" - we\'re working on BALANCE and STRENGTH today, which are two critical components of active aging. Get my exact 3-pair Dumbbell Set (affiliate link): https://amzn.to/2vkvMkg This fun barefoot workout is simple - there are only four exercises - but the work is complex - every exercise recruits multiple muscle groups while challenging your core stabilizers. This is how we\'re working on fall prevention AND bone health in just 25 minutes. Functional fitness like this is SO important for women over 50! The time to improve your balance, build muscle tone, strengthen your core and increase bone density is NOW (before we need it). Here\'s what this STRENGTH TRAINING workout, done regularly, can do for YOU:
Tags: fitness , Workout , core strength , women over 50 , Pahla B , Pahla Bowers , strength training , workout for women over 50 , functional fitness , strength workout , barefoot , functional training , functional workout , strength training for women , barefoot exercise , balance exercises , balance workout , balance training , fall prevention , improve balance , barefoot workout , core strengthening exercises , core training , strength training over 50 , bone health exercises , increase bone density
See also: