'How to get fit for a trek | ट्रेक के लिए फिटनेस की तैयारी | Chalein Trekking! | Dushyant Sharma'

08:30 Nov 4, 2022
'Getting physically fit is a very important part of preparing for a trek. The trek can be one of the best adventures of your life if you follow the instructions given by Dushyant in this video.  Many people don\'t take this aspect of preparation seriously enough. They end up struggling while trekking that they miss out on the amazing experience and beauty around them! Make a note that you need to exercise for Himalayan Trek.  We get to hear this question a lot ‘ What is the physical fitness required for trekking’ So in this video, I will tell you ‘How to prepare for Himalayan Trek’. I will share some Trek workout tips as well, which will help you prepare well.   Many of you must already be playing a sport and quite active - but trekking requires good stamina, core strength, and strong lungs. You will trek 3-5 hours a day. In this video, Dushyant tells you how to get fit for your trek and gives useful tips! Get fit for your trek.    Fitness guide for your trek preparation: https://indiahikes.com/trek-fitness-workouts-indiahikes/  Trek Leader talks about why fitness is important for a high altitude trek https://indiahikes.com/why-is-fitness-important-for-a-high-altitude-trek-a-trek-leaders-perspective/  Tracking your fitness and how it helps prepare for your trek https://indiahikes.com/tracking-fitness-trek-preparation/' 

Tags: fitness , Health and fitness , strength , exercises , fitness tips , Trekking , workout plans , stamina , Fitness Training , trek , Himalayan , high altitude , indiahikes , moiuntains , Dushyant Sharma , Chalein trekking

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