Dec 2, 2022
'Subscribe Now: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=ehowfitness Watch More: http://www.youtube.com/ehowfitness Bouncing on an exercise ball strengthens your core, as well as other areas. Find out if bouncing on an exercise ball strengthens your thigh muscles with help from the CEO and founder of Tulsa Fit Body Boot Camp, an indoor fitness and fat loss bootcamp for women, in this free video clip. Expert: Stephanie Flynn Contact: www.fitbodybootcamp.com/tulsafitnessbootcamp Bio: Stephanie Flynn is the CEO and founder of Tulsa Fit Body Boot Camp, an indoor fitness and fat loss boot camp for women. Filmmaker: Todd Bockman Series Description: If you want a fit body for women, you\'re going to want to be experimenting with a few very important types of workouts. Get tips on fit bodies for women with help from the CEO and founder of Tulsa Fit Body Boot Camp, an indoor fitness and fat loss boot camp for women, in this free video series.'
Tags: fitness tips , fitness tricks , shoulder exercises , mobility exercises , muscle exercises , fit body bootcamp
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