'#stretching #mrandmrsmuscle #postworkoutstretch #musclerecovery #yoga Hi Guys, Here is a nice and quick Lower Body Stretch video to help ease your muscles after one of our intense lower body workouts at home or at the gym. I have included a combination of stretches that I find highly effective to do post workout or simply to use on an active recovery day. --- Muscle tightness can occur Post Workout or build up over time so I recommend doing stretches or mobility to help relieve overall tightness in the body. Tips:- 1) Inhale Deeply Through your Nose as much as you can.(even breathing alone can help to relax you). 2) Exhale though your mouth expelling as much oxygen as possible before inhaling again. 3) Engage your core at all times and squeeze your Glutes it will help to improve your posture. 4) Smile inside out & allow that feeling to radiate through you & heal you. 5) (Optional) Try lying flat on your back at the end of the stretch. Breath in & out deeply as described in tips 1 & 2 and hold for 60s or as long as you need to complete your stretch and fully relax. --- Take this time to really connect with your body, listen to its cues and move around in the stretches gently hitting your muscles from different angles to allow you to experience a more efficient and satisfying stretch. --- If you are looking for some guidance in your fitness journey Check out our website for Meal Plans and Programs : https://www.mrandmrsmuscle.com --- Also Follow Us on Instagram for More Updates, Behind the Scenes, Breaking News, Workouts, Tips & Motivation: https://instagram.com/mrandmrsmuscle --- Enjoy!!! Lots of Love Viv - Mrs Muscle'
Tags: fitness , wellness , stretch , yoga , home workouts , mr and mrs muscle , stretching exercises , mrandmrsmuscle , mr and mrs muscle instagram , well being , leg stretches , post workout stretch , lower body stretches , stretching for beginners , musclerecovery , Stretching at home , stretching music , Activerecovery , FullBodyStretch , stretchatthegym , muscle recovery stretch
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