Jan 16, 2023
'Lift, tighten and sculpt your backside with Nathalia Melo’s 10-part BUTT-SHAPING Video Series. The 2012 Bikini Olympia Champ will help take your booty to new heights! In this episode, Nathalia demonstrates the BALL STANDING CURL— a small movement that packs a big punch! Nathalia shares her tips for getting the most from this butt-blasting exercise, including how to adjust the intensity using various types of exercise balls. Ready to get your butt in shape? Check out this video and start toning your tush today! For more of Nathalia\'s Butt-Shaping videos, visit http://www.fitnessrxwomen.com/training/training-videos/butt-shaping-videos/'
Tags: FitnessRx for Women , nathalia melo , 2012 Bikini Olympia Champ , BUTT-SHAPING , Ball Standing Leg Curl
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