'Future of Fitness Podcast /6/ MATT TAUB / Changing the Fitness Culture In this episode, we talk with Matt Taub about how the fitness industry needs to adapt and move forward to be an essential service. During the pandemic, Matt has become more vocal and put out content that has challenged the fitness industry to take a look at how services are sold and how it can change to better meet the needs of individuals. Motivated by seeing some content that shamed unfit individuals in Covid and by continuously getting questions from fitness professionals about how and whether they should work during the pandemic, Matt decided to start the conversation about better ways the industry can work for owners, trainers and most importantly, the part of the population currently not being reached. Matt has been in the fitness industry for over 25 years working at all levels of it. He has been a personal trainer and group instructor, training director, owned his own studio, been a regional manager for a major boutique, and worked in big and small chains. He now works as a consultant around gym culture with gym owners and operators, and works as an educator, writer and speaker about the business of fitness. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Tags: trainer plus , future of fitness podcast on apple , the future of fitness podcast matt taub , matt taub trainer plus , trainer plus matt taub , changing the fitness culture matt taub , changing the fitness culture trainer plus , how to change the fitness culture 2021 , Fitness culture during a pandemic , pandemic fitness culture
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