'Speed Bag Scissorhands Fitness RX Radio Dedication to Joe Pietaro & Gregg Valentino'

02:25 Jun 15, 2023
'speed bag scissorhands guest on fitness rx radio w/ joe pietaro , gregg valentino & mtv jersey shore angelina pivarnick www.FitnessRXforMen.com https://www.facebook.com/pages/SPEED-BAG-SCISSORHANDS/55401002968?ref=ts  http://www.SpeedbagScissorhands.com/' 

Tags: bodybuilding , fitness model , boxing , punching bag , Jersey Shore , Floyd Mayweather Jr. (Boxer) , Manny Pacquiáo (Boxer) , snookie , speed bag , how to speed bag , Mike the Situation , gregg valentino , hand speed , punch drumming , speed bag tricks , fastest speed bag , biggest arms in the world , fastest boxer , amazing speed bag , mtv jersey shore , angelina pivarnick , man whose arms exloded , freaky bodybuilder , spinning back fist

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