'Harvard Step Test - Know your fitness'

05:58 Jan 3
'it is important to know your Cardiovascular or Aerobic fitness. Harvard Step Test provides as easy way to get an index of your fitness. One can keep a record of the progress by periodically doing it along with your fitness training program. Visit www.h2fcare.com and stay tuned to Health, Happiness and Fitness.' 

Tags: Test , fitness , healthy , Health , athlete , Endurance , running , aerobic , track , athletics , army , muscular strength , muscular endurance , cardiovascular , oxygen , run , Harvard , fitness test , Recruitment , heart rate , H2F , bharti , five minute , cadence , heart beat , 800 , step test , home test , harvard step test , 1600 , health test , fitness index , fitness score , track test , h2fcare

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