'Hey guys! This is a lil review and try on wearing the new Lauren Simpson by Ryderwear. I don\'t have the whole collection and I only have 2 pieces (the crop top) and the leggings I am a size small To shop the collection: https://www.ryderwear.com.au/collections/womens Thanks for watching! xoxo www.instagram.com/chantelsmakeupnbeauty Business enquiries chantelmackerness96@gmail.com #gymwearreview #ryderwear #laurensimpsonbyryderwear'
Tags: Gymwear , lauren simpson , ryderwear haul , seamless leggings , ryderwear review , scrunch leggings , gymwear review , LAUREN SIMPSON RYDERWEAR , best gymwear , affordable gymwear , lauren simpson ryderwear review , lauren simpson ryderwear haul
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