'Hi guys Welcome to the first video in my comp prep series! Each week I will be bringing you an update on my diet, training, physique and showing you what it\'s like to prepare for a bikini competition. EPISODE 1: This is a short video to update you all on where I\'m at with my starting point for WBFF Worlds this year. I talk about what my diet (I\'ll give you my macros, calories etc) and training has been like and also where my head is at going into this prep. I was also very fortunate to go to the University South Florida when I was in Tampa and spend time with Dr Bill Campbell & Samuel Buckner in the physique labs doing some body composition testing. We tested for muscle density, resting metabolic rate and also body fat percentage. For those wondering....my BF% is 13.5% on callipers (you will see this in the video being done). I will be sharing more on my physique in the coming videos but I hope you liked this! Can\'t wait to take you on this journey with me! Let\'s do this! Loz xoxo'
Tags: #fitness , #BODYBUILDING , #gym , #bikini , #wbff , #glutes , #laurensimpson , #laurensimpsonfitness , #wbffworlds , #competitionprep , #compprep , #bikinicompeitior
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